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Placement Procedures

It is Our Greatest pleasure to assist you with your employment needs. So that we may continue to maintain high standards and loyal relationships with those who trust our services, we require the following:

Creative Temps Provides FREE referral services to Dental Professionals.

Dental professionals are referred to dental practices pending the completion of the following:

1). Registration

2). Interview 

3).Reference/ Screening Check

All professionals are Paid Directly by Creative Temps.

All wages earned for Temporary SHIFTS are to be filed with your yearly TAX return. Please seek the IRS website at for additional details.

Creative Temps Prohibits the direct solicitation of our Dental Professionals by the Dental Practices in which they are referred to. We require all Dental Professionals to keep confidential their personal contact information including phone numbers and email addresses.

Creative Temps must be noticed in EVENT a Dental practice offers any additional Temporary or Permanent 

SHIFTS offered from the referred Dental Practice for a DURATION OF 24 Months.


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